In all my years in the paycheck workforce, I have never known a woman to fully describe, never mind get credit for, all the work she actually does, and in fact most men don’t either. It’s easy to see why: we’re all busy, and by the time it comes to write all down in a review, we forget a lot of it. The way to remember it, unsurprisingly, is to write it down: learn what you do, a (free download!) tool that will help you do that.
This tool takes about ten minutes a day, every workday for a month, plus the time performance management takes, where most people perform certain tasks they only do at that time of year (self-evaluations, peer evaluations, and so on).
- Put a task reminder on your calendar at the end of every workday for a month, and for the duration of your performance-review period.
- With your calendar open, write down every discrete tasks you did that day: not the generic “attended meeting” but “attended product design review” or “attended digital marketing planning meeting.”
- Every time the task recurs, count it again.
- You should repeat this process once a year, and compare your results to the previous year’s.
You should now be in a position to know the following:
- What you do
- What you do too much of (could you delegate?)
- What you do too little of (learning a new skill?)
- What data to show your boss (if I do less of this, I could do more of that task you value)